Saturday, December 22, 2012

Carlin Fixes Homelessness

By T-Square Staff
George Carlin

George Carlin (1937-2008) is one of the best known comedians in the second half of the 20th century. He is famous for his controversial opinions on nearly every subject he talks about, so much so, that his Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television comedy routine lead to a U.S. Supreme Court case about whether the government has the right to censor radio programs. In 1992, Carlin performed an HBO stand-up comedy special called Jammin’ in New York, where he discussed his bizarre and hilarious solution for the U.S.’s homelessness problem; this is an excerpt:

(if you play golf, brace yourself)
“…I’ve got just the place for low cost housing, I have solved this problem, I know where we can build housing for the homeless: GOLF COURSES! perfect, just what we need. Plenty of good land [in] nice neighborhoods, land that is currently being wasted on a meaningless, mindless activity engaged primarily by white well-to-do male businessmen, who use the game to get together to make deals to carve this country a little finer among themselves. I am getting tired, really getting tired of these golfing **********, in their green pants, and their yellow pants, and their orange pants, and their precious little hats, and their cute little golf carts. IT IS TIME TO RECLAIM THE GOLF COURSES from the wealthy and turn them over to the homeless,"
Golf is an elitist game, and takes up entirely too much room in this country. It is an arrogant game on its very design alone. The design of the game speaks of arrogance. Think about how big a golf course is, the ball is that ****** big. What do these pinheaded ****** need with all that land. There are over 17,000 golf courses in America. They average over 150 acres a piece: that’s 3 million plus acres, 4,820 square miles. You can build two Rhode Islands and a Delaware for the homeless on the land currently being wasted on this meaningless, mindless, arrogant, elitist, racist [game]…”

If you want to see George Carlin performing this monologue, click here (profanity warning!)

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