Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Cobra Tower

By Hessa Al Habshi
Whilst skimming through loads of photos at a time on Pinterest (“A pinboard-style photo  sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies” - Wikipedia) I jadedly typed in ‘Kuwait’ on the search bar of the app on my phone, I was curious to see what other people around the world were posting about my hometown. 

             Most of the photos were of old Kuwait (a camel or two, a desert, an old woman in a abaya), and there were photos of the Kuwait Water towers and Al-Hamra tower. But the gallery of photos ere mostly made of this so-called ‘Cobra Tower’. 

             It struck me as odd that there were a lot of photos of a tower that I’ve never seen. So, I went on Google and searched ‘Cobra Towers Kuwait’. A lot of websites came up, and I saw that a lot of foreigners, who have never been to Kuwait, assumed that the Cobra Tower exists. 

             A lot of sites have confirmed that this building exists and is used by the company Infosys. This building does not exist, and is merely a computer generated concept. There are no further details about it being created, nor is it under-construction.


  1. i want to know what are the problems faced by engineers due to which this building never constructed and what are solutions?
    please reply me................
