Thursday, August 1, 2013

Architecture College, Here I Come!

By Ahmad Ashkanani

This is part 2 of a previous post that, using poetry, illustrated the journey students of Kuwait University’s College of Architecture make from their displaced parking spaces to their beloved campus (read here). This poem continues the journey:

Crossing the bridge I said my goodbyes,
Seeking what next adventure ahead lies

Uninformed I was after entering the gate,
As life was still blurry, it was half past eight

The sky filled with clouds, the rain finally stopped,
Maybe the scorching sun would appear, god I hope not

As I walked alone on a straight pathway to class,
On my right, a parking lot; on my left, a small patch of grass

At the end of the path I saw something I did not before,
A landscape of trees that I didn’t expect to adore

Gazing upon the grid-placed-trees, my face drew a smile,
As if nature defending its place, rose from the tile

Observing the trees as if time stood still, but alas
My journey had not yet finished, still much to surpass

Far left the building top appeared as the sun came out,
“That must be the building” I said, “It must be, no doubt!”

Beyond the grid, my eyes noticed what was before unseen
A tunnel leading to the entrance with walls of green

Trees bending greeting one another at the top it seems,
Offering shade and dancing silhouettes from penetrating solar beams

At the end, reaching the doors I calmly exhaled,
Turning the knob not expecting what would be unveiled

The doors opened and cool air passed on to my face,
But the adventure isn’t done, I have to explore this place

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