Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mawahib Group Expo

By Ali Al Yousifi

               The Mawahib Group Expo was held in ACK College in Mishref district, between the 5th and the 9th of March. The expo aimed at showcasing the various, and predominantly young, talents in Kuwait. This allowed talented individuals the opportunity to sell their work at the expo or get future commissions and customers. Visitors were also exposed to what talented people in Kuwait were up to.

A large number of booths were setup inside a large tent-like structure. These booths were of different sizes and specialties; to only name some, there were booths dedicated to painting, anime art, graffiti art, scale modeling, photography, fashion, books, and others. There was also a large stage at the back of the expo tent for live music performances.

These are some of the booths in the expo:

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