Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Adventure That Ends With a Rock

Video and text by Ahmed Mohammed

This video and poem describe what architecture students at Kuwait University’s College of Architecture sometimes have to go through.

For all the architecture students this adventure isn’t new,
one of the challenges that a student goes through,

To arrive to class a bridge must be taken,
“an easy task” he said, oh how he was mistaken,

On the bridge he walked on a rainy day,
hoping to get to the other side fast, he would pray,

As the rain poured from above and the cars below,
“a few more” he said, “a few more steps to go”,

Finally at the end of his journey he comes to a stop,
for what he had seen made his heart drop,

At the last step of the bridge a puddle was made,
thinking of a solution, in his place he stayed,

As he was thinking, something on the puddle caught his eye,
it was a rock above the puddle high and dry,

He saw his chance to get to the other side,
not having any other options on that small rock he relied,

Preparing to cross he holds his books and bag tight,
placing one foot on the rock, first left then right,

As he crossed the puddle to the other end,
who would have thought that on a small rock he could depend,

After a few steps walking away he stopped and turned,
thinking of the life lesson he had learned,

That even the smallest things in our world today,
can have a huge impact on our future lives someday.

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