Saturday, May 25, 2013

Invention that Could Charge Your Phone in Less than 30 Seconds

By Hessa AlHabashi
Photos courtesy of IndiaWest

For those of you that forget to charge your phone until the minute you're about to leave the house, you'll be happy to here that a girl won the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award, for inventing a device that can charge a phone in 20-30 seconds.

This device is called a supercapacitator, and can store up a lot of energy into a small space and will last a long time. The creator complains that her phone kept running out of charge when asked what inspired her to create such a gizmo. 

The invention's future is quite bright, as she sees it fitting into portable devices and allowing people to go a longer time without charging their phones on electrical outlets. It could also be formatted to be used on car batteries someday.

“It is also flexible, so it can be used in rollup displays and clothing and fabric,” Eesha Khare, the eighteen year-old inventor, stated. “It has a lot of different applications and advantages over batteries in that sense.”

Eesha Khare has won $50,000 in the fair and plans to attend Harvard University this fall. Watch video of Eesha Khare on her invention here.

Now we don't have to worry about our phones dying out in a History lesson, it'll be fully charged for our entertainment within seconds.

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