Wednesday, May 29, 2013

YOUR AOK Launch Event

By Ali Al Yousifi

YOURAOK website
Nuqat website
               On the 28th of May, the new media and publishing company, YOUR AOK, launched their new networking website ( and magazine. The concept behind both website and magazine is to create an interactive platform that allows creators of all design professions to share their ideas, products, and projects. This platform will also allow product suppliers and design firms to advertise their products, showcase their work, and scout for talents. 
youraok PAGES - issue 1
               The event took place in Al Hamra Tower’s 55th floor Sky Lounge. It was organized in collaboration with Nuqat, who conducted a discussion panel entitled “Shift the Shift”, discussing the creative shift that has been taking place in the region. The panelists were: Raneem Farsi (moderator), Dr. Alanoud AlSharekh, Dr. Nasser AbulHassan, Architect Barrak AlBabtain, and Mohammad Abuhekmah.
Discussion Panel
                Other parts of the event were designed to be physical representations of the YOUR AOK website. This was done in three sections: the first showcasing the work of talents (mostly art), the second showcasing the work of design firms (mostly architecture), and the third showcasing the products of participating supplier companies (mostly furniture). 
Talents Section
Design Firms Section
Product Suppliers Seciton
               I personally found the event both enlightening and entertaining; the panelists did a great job in addressing the changes that have taken place, and those that should be taking place in the near future. The overall theme was empowering normal people, the general public, to take part in shaping their intellectual and physical environment, which is the key to a better future. As Mohammad Abuhekmah kept insisting, “just do it!”

1 comment:

  1. خالد الفالحJune 6, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    هناك مأخذاً رغم كونه واحداً فقط، إلّا أنّه بالحجم عظيم! وهو أن هدف شبكة التواصل الإبداعي الذي ينوي إيصال مبدعي الوطن العربي الكبير بعضهم ببعض لم يستخدموا اللغة المناسبة لكي يقوم هؤلاء المبدعين بالتواصل من خلالها. وقد أكد لي أحد مؤسسي الشبكة على رغبته الجامحة لاستخدام العربية ليس كلغة خطاب مجردة، بل كذلك كلغة ثرية بالمفردات ليتم تداولها على مستوى واسع في مجال التصميم والإنتاج الإبداعي
