Thursday, May 2, 2013

Voluntary Pinup: Food Board

By Ali Al Yousifi
               Next week, KU’s College of Architecture will begin Final Pinup season, but one student decided to ‘pinup’ early. Behold what I shall call the “Food Board”, and equally behold my genuine attempt to explain why it’s going to be among, if not, the best pinups this course!
               First though, what is the Food Board? It’s an A1-ish black-colored board that has the names and numbers of some of the students’ favorite restaurants to order from. “Not a big deal” you might wrongly suggest. Yes it is.
               To start, this board was obviously not done as a requirement for any particular class, it was done voluntarily. So it went like this (I hope): a student saw that his colleagues of the College of Architecture were often spending long periods of time at the university, and as a consequence being forced to order takeout food, but many times find it hard to think of a good restaurant or find their numbers (quite a pickle, isn’t it?); and so this philanthropic student invested time and effort to help feed his fellow students, reaping no benefit for his/her own.
               The Food Board is concise, clearly laid out, and is a great idea, because it shows us the way to solve all our problems. This is for us to not wait for problems to solve themselves (like for Second Cup to open a kiosk in 5KH’s ground floor) but for each of us to make his/her own humble effort to make this world a better place.
               And if you’re still not convinced, ask yourself this: when was the last time you made/created something, in your own time, just to help people you might not know?

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