Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Unlikely Friend – Purple Edition

By Ali Al Yousifi
This is the carpet color of a building I often visit. Now before you start discussing whether the person who chose this color should be sentenced to life in prison or simply hung, let me say that I don’t mind the color. Not only that, but the last time I was in the building, I barely even noticed the carpet.

This is because, as I have discovered, no matter how bizarre, out of place, or outrageous anything is, if you see it enough times, it’ll grow on you. Soon you won't even noticing it. This continues until you take it for granted, and even start to like it. 

I was shocked the first time I walked into the door and saw that the old dark blue carpet was replaced with this bright purple one. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was it a joke? Who would ever choose such a color? But now, I’m sure that if this carpet is replaced with something more sensible, I’d miss its comical purpleness

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