Friday, January 25, 2013

Artist of the Day: Interview with Amani Al Thuwaini

By Sara Al Sayegh
Art by Amani Al Thuwaini

Date of Birth: 1st of July, 1989
Interests: When I'm not working on an art project, I like playing sports including basketball and swimming, I also practice yoga, and I like reading about psychology, theory and history of art and architecture, as well as art criticism.

What inspires you?
Everything inspires me, but most of the time I get inspired by other artists’ work (both contemporary and old artists). I believe that learning from others’ work is crucial for every artist/architect or designer. Landscapes and nature inspire me as well; I focus on the social aspect of an environment. I enjoy studying and observing the interactivity from human to human, and from human to the surrounding landscape/environment.

What medium do you feel most comfortable exploring?
I enjoy exploring different mediums. I think it depends on each project/work. The means of representation must serve the concept/subject of the artwork. My work ranges from drawing to interactive installation. Among my many interests is researching how to combine a natural intrigue for aesthetics with function.

Do you have any preferences or specific subjects you enjoy using as sources of inspiration for your art?
I enjoy concepts of spirituality, humanity, emotions and the relationship between people and their surrounding environment. I always keep a sketchbook, so I sketch wherever I go. It's important for me to document events, thoughts, feelings, and ideas using photographs and sketches. This helps me a lot in the process of design/art making.

Where do you see yourself in five years? 
It’s a difficult question to answer, but the most important thing is to develop and grow as an artist, in terms of knowledge and experience. My father always says that life is a never-ending learning process. It's important for me to spread the knowledge I have as well, and be a part of creating a better Kuwait.

How has studying architecture changed your perspective on art? 
Exploring spatial design has helped me develop a personal artistic language; art, I believe, must send a certain message to the public and find solutions to problems in order for change and transformation to happen, just like architecture. Architecture taught me a lot of other things, like discipline, hard work and attention to every detail. The process of design starts with a process of rigorous research, which taught me the importance of research in art making as well.

How has art changed your life as a whole? 
Art was a major part of my life since I was 5. I always try to follow my feelings and intuition in the art making process; these are inseparable from function and meaning, this has helped me get in touch with my subconscious mind and inner self. Art has taught me the importance of creative collaboration, conversation and communication. Art has changed my idea of beauty. Art is a lifestyle and it's a way of viewing the inner self, others and the world around us.

This is some of Amani's work:

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